Archive for Warcraft

Big money, big money, no repairs, no repairs!

Posted in Corrections, Milestones, Uncategorized with tags , , , on April 7, 2009 by finalhour

3k gold. Only 2k from my epic flyer! Almost geared and glyphed up for heroics, and I’m already pulling 1.5k group buffed. That’s enough to qualify for patchwerk!
I’m thinking of accepting guest posts, but only by writers who have proved themselves. I’d love to have a DK post their views on the class, or possibly someone else giving an outsiders view on DKs.
In other news, I’ll be trying to add in tags. I went on wordpress search on a tip, and my blog is unsearchable except by the exact title! /facepalm.
(Note: this has been fixed. Props to wordpress for bug squishing.)
Led my first Wrath raid yesterday, for VoA normal. Our class balance failed, 3dks, 2 pallies, and 2 warriors. We beat him, with 4 min to spare in WG. A dk piece dropped, and I lost the roll by two. Grr.