Archive for rant

Working on voice chat kit

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , on April 6, 2009 by finalhour

Well, working on my voice chat/recording setup. Have my eye on skullcandy lowrider headphones, and as for mikes, I’m open for suggestions. I currently have a cruddy intergrated setup, with wireless fm headphones and a tower mike. My podcasts and ventrilo sound like I swallowed a kazoo.
Speaking of podcasts, once I get my new computer ( I blog from an iPod) I’ll be reviving my WoW podcast. You can check out some old eps at my podcast page. Beware, I had a cold for most of them and was running a machine with 192 mb of ram, so my lookups are slow.
-Today we avenge our fallen brothers!
UPDATE: The source fails. 1 month back order. On a featured, sale priced item. They ordered A HUNDRED! ONE HUNDRED! NATIONWIDE! Or at least, “I think…” Yeah, good inventory management. Jeez. Your support team didn’t even know! So now I have to wait a month for them to be shipped, minimum. Get your act together! This is why CC (Circuit city, not crowd control.) is gone. /endnerdrant