Archive for the Corrections Category

Big money, big money, no repairs, no repairs!

Posted in Corrections, Milestones, Uncategorized with tags , , , on April 7, 2009 by finalhour

3k gold. Only 2k from my epic flyer! Almost geared and glyphed up for heroics, and I’m already pulling 1.5k group buffed. That’s enough to qualify for patchwerk!
I’m thinking of accepting guest posts, but only by writers who have proved themselves. I’d love to have a DK post their views on the class, or possibly someone else giving an outsiders view on DKs.
In other news, I’ll be trying to add in tags. I went on wordpress search on a tip, and my blog is unsearchable except by the exact title! /facepalm.
(Note: this has been fixed. Props to wordpress for bug squishing.)
Led my first Wrath raid yesterday, for VoA normal. Our class balance failed, 3dks, 2 pallies, and 2 warriors. We beat him, with 4 min to spare in WG. A dk piece dropped, and I lost the roll by two. Grr.

A further screwup, a further shoutout

Posted in Corrections on March 27, 2009 by finalhour

In case you were on the edge of your seat with the ‘I’m not done tonight’, my posts were out of order. >.>
Wanted to give a shoutout to Tuffbuff, my pocket shaman who helped me with the Icecrown group quests (We 3manned Banshee’s Revenge, a level 80 RED 5 person group quest! Mad props.). If he’s ever in LFG for your instance, and you need a healer, invite him. He kept a 14k health tank (me) alive with 395 defense :P.
(He kept thinking we were done. I became the Colombo of group quests. Ehhhh… One more quest.)

Screw up, guild shoutouts

Posted in Corrections, General on March 26, 2009 by finalhour

Whoops. So I’m not going to run out of quests in icecrown, at 45/140 with 900k into 79. Almost 2k gold, even after getting CWF and normal flying on quest rewards and 1 BoE blue sale. Making some serious bank for not having a maxed out trade skill on ANY character. Slacking, but that’s why I’m in my guild. Amazing people, especially Keidaned, always ready with a friendly competition for motivation; Orsturm, hoping I spelled his name correctly, for being a freaking encyclopedia; Lokee, for starting me on rants about how, when it comes to Norse mythology, Blizzard’s ‘Doin it rong’, I mean, come on, Mmiron? Best you could do?; Johanna, et alts, for being a very nice slave driver forcing me to level- kidding, for encouraging me to enjoy the game; Achilliez, for being probably the most lenient guild master that can keep a guild together, and aiding my quest for the holy gra- a frostweave bag; and the rest of my guildies, for helping me out in ways that escape my goldfish memory.
This went a little long… But I’m not done tonight!
-Did you think we had forgotten?